Path to Life Ministries

Making a Dent in the Economy with Our Tithes  

Path to Life Ministries

 Mission Statement


Path to Life Ministries is a church that endeavors to establish, maintain, advance, and build the Kingdom of God on the foundation of His Son, our Savior and Cornerstone Jesus Christ, and the principles decreed in His Living Word. Path to Life Ministries will equip individuals, using the Good News, to grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically in the will and way of God. The Word of God is the foundation Path to Life operates through to affirm and establish God’s Kingdom in the body of Christ.

Mission #1

A Mission of Path to Life Ministries:  Building a Community

Path to Life is seeking individuals who would like to take part in building a community. The community will serve as a place where an individual can go to for fellowship, education, encouragement, and discipleship. The community will also work towards growing crops to increase self-sufficiency and be prepared in times of famine and hardship. The community would like begin building a home for one to dwell in so they can oversee the formation of the community (farming, building, etc.) We would next begin building a meeting place, storage units, and homes. The homes would serve as shelter for those whom need a place to stay to get back on their feet or to reside long-term. Individuals can also choose to live in the community. Individuals living in the community will be expected to provide support both financially and physically.

How can you participate in building a community?

We are asking for individuals to make a commitment to give at least five dollars every week. One can always give more and with making a commitment to give at least five dollars it will steadily increase the financial resources needed to build a community. This money would be set aside to use specifically for building a community. The money would go towards purchasing land and buying materials.

Do I have to move into the community?

You can give without making a decision to live in the community. God calls each of us to do His will and it may not be His will for everyone to reside in the community. God may call to have someone participate by giving donations, some He may call to donate time with building or farming the land, some He may call to gather supplies, some He may call to teach and train disciples, etc., etc. Individuals can still participate in the community without living on the land.  They can participate in building the structures, attending the fellowship gatherings and discipleship studies, and so forth.