Path to Life Ministries

Making a Dent in the Economy with Our Tithes  

Good 4 U Goodies


Good 4 U Goodies is in loving memory of Alice Westberry. Mrs. Westberry enjoyed her sweets and sought out to create nutritious goodies for her friends and family. Good 4 U Goodies will provide ideas, recipes, and creations using food to bring life and joy to one another.  


Our life depends on eating foods that are alive! Our systems are decaying at an expedient rate and the diagnosis of cancers, diabetes, kidney, bladder, and liver failure are the norm in our society. The gallbladder, appendix, uterus, ovaries, and other VITAL organs are being taken out that the doctors deem as being uneccessary. God made us with all of these parts for a reason-nothing is unnecessary. Fight for your life and eradicate, as much as you can, processed, artificial ingredients, refined sugars, and preservatives from your diet. This is a day by day task, it is not an overnight process and it is not easy. Do what you can and you will notice a difference. We can say all of our food is contaminated, but do your best in buying produce from the local farmer's markets or local farmers. Try to buy cage free and organic products. We are fortunate that many of our communities' grocers carries organic, cage free, and hormone free products-take advantage of it. Below are recipes and creations to simplify and give you ideas on how to bring life back in to your eating.


Irrestible Vital Smoothies:



Gluten Free Resource:

Jennifer Esposito's website that includes recipes, inspiration, and ideas for those who have Celiac disease, or need gluten, soy, and dairy free meal ideas