The concept of Haven Hall is to have a multi-purpose, functional building that we can build together as part of our inheritance to our children. Haven Hall can serve many purposes including providing a place for a retreat, reunions, meetings, parties, and as shelter during emergencies and severe weather like Hurricanes. Haven Hall can be rented out to cover operational costs. We can build around the hall individual homes that we can stay in while we are using the hall for our own reunions and meetings, retirement getaway, and vacations. When we gather together at the hall we can bring the good news and minister to one another to build up one another to pursue the Good News.
The ideal location would be in central Texas away from the Hurricane routes and major cities. It would be essential to have land by a natural source of water like a lake, spring, or river. We can start out with a couple of acres to build a hall and surrounding dwellings. In due time, it would be great to use some of the land for farming to increase self-sufficiency and have a source of food that we can all benefit from. We can leave a legacy for our family in Christ to follow.
HAVEN HALL BLUEPRINT: http://www.cfsites.org/sites/pathtolifeministries/havenhall.pdf
HAVEN HALL STAGES & COMMITTEES: http://www.cfsites.org/sites/pathtolifeministries/havenhallcommittees.stages.pdf |